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Java ConcurrentHashMap

1 minute read

ConcurrentHashMap is designed to support concurrent access from multiple threads without the need for external synchronization. It achieves this by using var...

Certbot on Oracle Cloud VM

2 minute read

Try to get a certificate from Let’s encrypt on Oracle’s compute instance (vm) with command certbot certonly --standalone but keeps getting error: Certbot fai...

AWK 101

less than 1 minute read

Note for Learning Awk Is Essential For Linux Users download awk is a tool to process text, line by line. Variable $0 means whole line, $1 means the fi...

Java Features By Version

1 minute read

Java 8 Functional Interfaces and Lambda Expressions Default and static metho...

PlantUML in VS Code

less than 1 minute read

Test #@startuml class ExampleClass { -mPrivate: String +mPublic : int #mProtected: boolean ~mDefault: float mNothing: long +void pu...

Lesson Learned - Java Timer

1 minute read

Issue When you use Java Timer (java.util.Timer) to set a task for future execution, you should be really careful. Java Timer use currentTimeMillis, which wi...

Java SE: Programming Complete - 8

1 minute read Arrays and Loops Arrays An array is a fixed-length collection of eleme...

Java SE: Programming Complete - 7

2 minute read Interface Java Interface An interface defines a set of features that c...

Java SE: Programming Complete - 6

3 minute read Inheritance Extend Classes java.lang.Object is an ultimate paraent of ...